Dr. Cecilia Yee 516-795-0242
Dr. Cecilia Yee 516-795-0242
NAET Allergy Treatments, Chiropractic, Quantum Biofeedback
NAET Allergy Treatments, Chiropractic, Quantum Biofeedback

Testing for allergies can often be confusing for there are different methods of testing. Most medical doctors or allergists use blood or scratch testing to evaluate allergies. Normally, those tests are looking for IgE antibodies, which are the antibodies associated with the histamine type of reactions found in hives, rashes, itching, breathing difficulty, and anaphylactic shock. IgE antibodies comprise approximately 10% of the antibodies coursing through the body. Levels of IgE allergies normally range from +1 to +6. Anaphylactic allergies are usually considered +4, +5, or +6.
Another group of blood factors that are responsible for allergic reactions are IgG antibodies. This group is often overlooked and trivialized, yet ironically they comprise 75-90% of all antibodies circulating in the blood stream. IgG antibodies account for delayed reactions, intolerances, or sensitivities that can result in various symptoms such as fatigue, behaviors, anxiety, depression, stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, pain, gas & bloating, loss of concentration or focus, brainfog, or headaches to name a few. Levels of IgG allergies normally range from +1 to +3. These allergies are not considered dangerous or life-threatening as IgE allergies are. However, the symptoms can have a very strong negative impact on everyday functions.
It is important to know that even blood or skin testing for allergies can be erroneous and miss certain allergies that a person may be reacting to. However, they are helpful in monitoring those allergens that do test positive.
The amount of NAET treatments required to eliminate an allergen from the body is dependent upon the level of the allergen. For example, a +1 IgE allergy would necessitate approximately 60 treatments, whereas a +6 IgE would demand possibly over 600. However, after a full course of appropriate treatments, the level will descend to 0, as would be revealed in follow up testing. Most times, combination treatments would also be required. A combination treatment is combining the factors that are linked to and perpetuating an allergy and treating them together in combination. Follow up allergy testing would reveal if the body has fully overcome an allergen. However, it is important to note that blood levels of an allergen can actually rise before they descend as the body is clearing itself of that allergen. Therefore, follow up testing would reveal if an allergy still requires additional treatments or if the allergy has fully cleared.
All in all, NAET is able to treat all the different types of allergies whether they are IgE or IgG, mild or severe. This holistic healing technique is reprogramming the way the nervous and immune system react to an allergen, and allowing the patient to be exposed without further harm or reaction. Thousands of patients treated with NAET can testify that after being treated, they are free from the allergens that previously plagued them. They can eat foods that caused prior reactions or can be exposed to environmental agents such as pollen or grass without any symptoms. NAET certainly gives freedom from allergies in a safe, effective, and holistic way.